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The Challenge

User research suggests that shoppers want a tool to help them brainstorm, plan, track, and even document their DIY projects.

The high level goals:

1. Develop features that are useful to a wide variety of users.
2. Remain true to Home Depot's brand identity.
3. Create an experience that resonates with Pro users.


As design lead, I created and built the prototype for our expanded DIY section proposal, as well as the updated navigation and mobile features.

Additionally I assisted in User research and testing in the initial stages of the sprint.


Figma, Miro, Trello, Illustrator,
Notability, Pen and Paper


12 Day Design Sprint


Users need a way to get inspired, plan, and track their DIY projects because they want to feel the satisfaction that comes with successfully finishing a project with their own hands.


How might we help our users find inspiration within Home Depot's mobile app?

How might we assist our users in planning their DIY projects, so that they stay on track?


We believe that elevating Home Depot’s mobile application to include a project tracking and inspiration feature will expand the user’s opportunity to create and stay on task while tackling their DIY projects with confidence.

All the information in this case study is my own, and does not necessarily reflect the views of Home Depot.


I began by diving into the Home Depot App in its current state, while reaching out to DIY enthusiasts for interviews.

I discovered that not only does their store have just about everything, so does their app.


Narrowing on features pertaining to DIY, very exciting opportunities for improvement were found.

To validate these opportunities, I conducted several hybrid interview/usability tests with users possessing a range of DIY experience.


I asked six individuals a serious of questions pertaining to their DIY experience and mobile preferences.

Following each interview, I had the user perform a simple usability test of the app in its current state, so that I could articulate our approach for the feature expansion.

A brief affinity analysis of the information recieved during user interviews.

Interview Takeaways

I learned that nearly every user sought out some sort of inspiration or instruction when starting a project.

The sources of inspiration were unanimously Youtube, Pinterest, & Instagram

The most prominent insight however was discovering that,

Users struggled to locate any DIY features


DIY was hidden under a layer of footer navigation

Home Depot's Motto is
"Helping Doers Get More Done"

Users expected to find DIY options in a more prominent location.


Understanding the journey

User experience varied depending how the individuals located the DIY section.

I discovered there were two distinct paths to locate the DIY section.

Additionally, there was no clear indication that there were more choices to be found elsewhere.

When users did eventually locate the DIY section, I began to notice a pattern of dissatisfaction at the lack of useful features.

- It became clear that users wanted more from DIY in the Home Depot app -


Early Iterations of the design process.

A simple yet bold approach to homepage organization and navigation.


Home Depot DIY

The Doers Ultimate Tool for Getting things Done

Doers needed a better way to get inspired, plan, track and document their DIY projects, Home Depot DIY answered the call.
A powerful set of tools just as robust and functional as Home Depots stores, now in the palm of users hands.

Getting started

Building on what Home Depot started, I expanded their tool belt to include new robust features.

• Budget builder provides users a simple platform to edit and organize their project budgets.

• All in one list for your project materials and supplies.

• Easily add materials to shopping cart, organize by project and priority, and complete checkout all in one place.

Plan to get more done

I created a multifunctional dashboard for our users to tack their projects, while simultaneously viewing progress and next steps.

Instructional steps are manually entered or automatically populated from one of the many project ideas collection featured in the get inspired section.

Snapshot view of project progress, featuring quick access to detailed instructional steps.

The goods

After discovering the valuable resources already available on Home Depot's social media, I seized the opportunity to bring that content directly into the users experience.

Material Inspiration

Inspiration played a key role in our users DIY journey, so I decided to bring that inspiration directly into the application.

Material Inspiration provides DIY enthusiast an easy and approcchable way to discovering their next project.

Each category displays an extensive list of projects based around the chosen material.

Do it right

The first time.

Watch & Learn offers an extensive database of tutorials.

Embed within the application so that users are not removed from the DIY expirience.

Browse by category, or choose discover to explore a variety of content for the passionate DIYer.

The tools

Taking a great thing, and making it better. Home Depot's mobile app provided a useful set of digital tools, but their location and presentation needed some attention.

Introducing ability to add more tools to your belt

More direct navigation and presentation

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